Three Features to Keep Your Business Running Smoothly

Brrrr! Here’s a tip to stay safe and warm, no matter the weather:
With winter storms and existing COVID shutdown limitations, now is as good a time as ever to make sure you don’t have to worry about paper check delivery. With Paperless Payroll, you can have printable checks sent directly to you, digitally. This Brand’s service is completely free with your account—just contact us at to get started. Not sure if you want to go this route? Try it out for a few weeks. To date, nobody has chosen to switch back.

An entire HR compliance library. Right in your dashboard.
Did you know? Brand’s gives you access to a full library of attorney-written compliance documents. 500+ HR forms. 100+ HR training videos. Interactive HR apps and tools. Everything an HR rep could ever need, except the coffee. All accessible right in your PayDeck account.

We’ll keep you posted.
You may already have Labor Law posters hanging in yourbuildings and job sites, but the information in those posters could change atany moment at the whims of Federal, state, and OSHA agencies.
Fail to update your poster? That can result in fines of over $20,000!
So, we provide an all-in-one state and federal Labor Law poster. When we send you a poster it is updated with all the relevant information up to the day that we mail it out, so you don’t have to worry about hefty fines. And when we say you won’t have to worry, we mean it. This all-in-one poster comes with a guarantee that we’ll pay any fines you may receive, up to $25,000.
Whoever posts your poster will be kept posted. We’ll post you of any new updates via email and send them via post, posthaste of course, letting HR stay at their posts. Rest easy. Your posters will always be posted.
Find out more about the all-in-one Labor Posters and update service in the article (posted) on our Help Desk, or, get your poster today.