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Manual Checks: How to Save You Job in HR

October 14, 2021
Forget to send payroll? Don't worry, we've got your back.

Let me guess. You’re a totally stressed HR Manager that forgot to hit “send” on some employees’ payroll  and now you’re frantically Googling ways to save face without losing your job.

Well firstly, take a deep breath. In, out. In, out.

All you have to do is hit the “Manual Checks” button in your Brand’s payroll dashboard, fill out the information, and print. We’ll leave getting the checks to employees up to you, but one highly popular method is to surreptitiously sneak the checks under their office doors. (There’s always direct deposit, but why make it easy?)

“But wait”, I can hear you say, “I’m not a client of Brand’s and I don’t have access to this freely included job-saving feature!”

Well sorry, that’s on you. But take this as an opportunity to switch to Brand’s. Believe me, the good you’ll be doing your company will far outweigh this mistake. Schedule a demo here.

But maybe sort out that paycheck crisis first.

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