Last Chance to File Your EEO-1

The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) requires qualifying employers to submit a demographic report of their employees, called an EEO-1, by this Saturday, March 31st.
What is the EEO-1?
These employers must submit a report, called an EEO-1, categorizing their employees by race or ethnicity, gender, and job category. It is best if this information is based off of employees’ self-identification. However, if an employee refuses to self-identify, the employer is still obligated to report their information.
Who is obligated to file the EEO-1?
Employers with 100 or more employees, as well as companies affiliated with other companies with 100 or more employees. Additionally, many government-related companies must file as well.
When is the EEO-1 due?
The EEO-1 is due Saturday, March 31st.
Who should be included in the report?
Both full-time and part-time reporters should be included in this report, as well as employees who work remotely.
How many reports must be filed?
One report must be filed per establishment. That means that you should submit one report for for a single-establishment company. For a multi-establishment company, submit a separate report for each location.